Thursday, July 15, 2010

EWWWW, Toenail Fungus! We have a solution…

In my last post, you’ll remember me talking about nail salons and the ickiness of using the same nail polish on everyone.  Well, let’s just take this one step further.  Let’s talk about women who already have fungal nails (onychomycosis).

Let’s face it - nail fungus is ugly.  It’s gross.  It’s embarrassing.  So our first impulse is to cover it up with nail polish. The darker the better, right ladies?  You know who you are…

Well, unless you’re using a nail polish that contains antifungal ingredients and is designed to treat nail fungus, as a chiropodist, I always suggest to my patients that this isn’t a good idea.  In fact, if they want to continue to receive treatment by me, I forbid it.   If you’re wearing nail polish and not treating the nail fungus, the harsh chemicals in the polish will work with the nail fungus to further weaken your nail enamel. Plus, you run the risk of developing athletes foot (a fungal infection of the skin) since the same fungus is often to blame for both conditions. If you’re trying to treat the condition with a topical antifungal cream, ordinary nail polish will create a virtually impenetrable barrier, preventing the medicine from doing its job.  And, because the polish literally “seals” the nail, the fungus can proliferate. Remember my last post when I commented about “double dipping” into the nail polish?  You can spread your fungal infection to your beautiful, healthy (currently) non-infected nails.

For women who may not have a fungal nail infection, but wear nail polish regularly:  Have you ever noticed that after months of pedicures and continuous application of nail polish your toenails are getting dry and brittle?   Do you see those white spots on the top of the nail?  This damage to the nail is caused by the formaldehyde (AKA embalming fluid!) found in most commercial nail polishes. Not only does commercial nail polish contain formaldehyde (a cancer-causing chemical!), but also toluene (toxic to liver and kidneys) and DBP (causes birth defects).

Never fear…there is a solution, and we have it!

Two Podiatrists have together created a great product to just hit the market. Dr’s Remedy Nail Polish is the ONLY nail polish that is free from all formaldehyde, toluene and DBP.   Not only is it toxin free but it is also vitamin-enriched to give your nails the extra care to stay strong and healthy.

While I don’t recommend this product’s use to actually treat the fungus, Dr.’s Remedy Antifungal Nail Polish is a healthy way to conceal your fungal nails if you so choose during the medical treatment of your toenail fungus.  This wonderful invention contains tea tree oil and garlic bulb extract, two safe and natural antibacterial and antifungal disinfectants that are proven home remedies for toenail fungus. It is also enriched with vitamin C, vitamin E, and wheat germ; ingredients that actually help strengthen your nail enamel and restore its natural shine.  Also safe for pregnant women and children to use.

You can find these safe polishes (and removers) at our Cobourg location.  Stop in to check out the variety of beautiful colours we carry.  You’d better hurry though.  Our female staff members are very excited about this new product and are sure to buy it all themselves!

Visit us at

Nail Salons BEWARE!

Well girlies, it’s that time of year again….our tender tootsies, spent hibernating in hot, sweaty shoes all winter long, are dying to be exposed. Freed to the sunshine.  Freed to gentle breezes.  There is nothing better than the first sandal-wearing day of summer. Mmmmmm, I relish the moment.

 Like most women, I spend every chance I get in my sandals, from the first warm day of spring, to the last in autumn.  BUT...these little piggies of ours, they don’t look so purrty after spending the winter all cramped up -  so what do we do?  We get pedicures.  We get pedicures, and more pedicures, and more pedicures.  Do I get pedicures?  NO.  Have I ever had a pedicure?  Yes.  ONCE.  Why once do you ask?  Because my one and only experience was awful.  A-W-F-U-L.

There was a fly in my foot bath.  A FLY!!!!!  And I had to ask the pedicure lady to take it out.  I HAD TO ASK!!!!!!!!    And, guess how she cleaned the (gulp, reusable) foot file?  She cleaned it in my stinky smelly footbath water.  YEP, she used the same water my sweaty feet had been soaking in, TO CLEAN THE FILE!  I cringe when I ponder how the nail instruments were cleaned and disinfected, ‘cause I’m pretty certain they weren’t sterilized.  Like most nail salons, the instruments may have only been rinsed off in the sink, or dipped in a “barbicide-like” substance, and reused again on another unsuspecting victim.  Ladies, this salon I went to is right here in COBOURG!!! And, it is a reputable salon.

Here is the problem.  Nail salons are not regulated. There is nobody to enforce how instruments should be cleaned, how footbaths should be cleaned.  Most salons don’t sterilize their instruments.  Most salons don’t properly disinfect their footbaths.  Most salons use the same file on everyone.  Most salons use the same nail polish on everyone. 

Did you know that sharing nail polish can lead to the spread of fungal nail infections?  It’s true!  When someone with nail fungus has their nails painted (and trust me, a lot of salons do not discriminate against nail fungus… they just ignore it and pamper the nail anyway), the fungus transfers from the toe, to the brush, and eventually into the paint.  It waits there, like a thief, waiting for the next unsuspecting victim to paint their nails, and then BAM!  A second person comes into contact with the fungus.
Admittedly, toenail fungus is not a life-or-death issue for most people.  But it is gross.  And it is contagious.  Who wants flakey, crusty, thick and discoloured toenails that resemble something that came from the crypt?  Especially when they are visible in sandals!!!

If you are going to have a foot pampering session, please do the following:

Ask how they STERILIZE (Not clean. Not disinfect. STERILIZE.) their instruments.  Are they placed in an autoclave (a machine which gets really hot and sterilizes under pressure – always seen in your dentist and chiropodist’s office)?  I certainly hope so.

If they don’t sterilize, do they use disposable tools?  Make sure you see the pedicurist remove the packaging from the tools.

Is the salon clean and tidy?  Or are toenails and toe jam lurking on the floors?  This should be your first observation.

Can you bring/buy your own nail polish?

To be even safer, can you bring your own tools?

Make sure they use a disposable liner if they soak your feet in a footbath. 

NEVER let your bare feet be dipped into the wax bath.   Your feet should be covered with some sort of plastic wrap.

Don’t let them cut your cuticles.  They are there for a reason - they stop the entrance of harmful bacteria. 
If you are doubting any of the above…..RUN AWAY!!!

By the way…Chiropodists/Podiatrists are the only regulated foot health specialists in Ontario.  We have standards set in place to ensure that we keep our instruments sterilized.  At Northumberland Physiotherapy and Foot Health Centres, we take the standards one step further.  We test our autoclaves regularly to ensure that they are functioning properly.  Just ask to see our proudly displayed test results.  You will never see a failed test.

Visit us at

Friday, July 2, 2010

FLIP-FLOPS: A major....FLOP!

After spending hours walking at this years' Cobourg Waterfront Festival (we never tire of it!), I was absolutely amazed at how many people were wearing flip-flops. There is some serious walking at this festival folks!

In recent years, flip-flops have become the new "norm" for people of all ages, not just teenagers. What used to be a shoe designed for use around the pool or at the beach, has now become a shoe worn for all activities, just like regular shoes. Sure, they are inexpensive, they let your feet air out, and some even find them comfortable, but they have NO SUPPORT! If you wear these shoes for every day use, you are risking serious injury to your feet, legs and back - injuries that can create a lifetime of painful problems.

Think about it - how does an extremely flat piece of rubber, held together by another strip of rubber, provide support? Your feet have to work really hard to keep these shoes on.

Now, I don't have an issue with the shoes themselves - they are great if used for their intended purpose - but I do take issue with people who wear them for long jaunts, or allow their kids to wear them at the playground (what would happen if the child's flip-flop got caught on the monkey bars???....CRASH!). This little flat rubber shoe is fantastic at the pool or at the beach, providing protection from the hot sand, slippery pool surround, and to protect the foot from viral (plantar warts) and fungal (athlete's foot and fungal toenails) infections. So, why not use them for just that?

If, after reading this post, you decide to continue to wear flip-flops because you are making an "informed decision", lol, please consider wearing ones with good arch support...and wear your running/walking shoes when you plan to be on your feet for long periods.

If you are a die hard flip-flop wearer and need some help getting your feet back to good health, our chiropodists would love to help you (and no, we won't lecture already know better). Give us a call.....Northumberland Physiotherapy and Foot Care Centre, in Cobourg, Port Hope and Brighton...905-373-7045. Visit us at our website too:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Kids' Feet

Does your child show some common signs of foot problems?

Toes pointed inward or outward
• Persistent tripping
• Over-lapping or under-lapping toes
• Knock knees
• Bulging ankles
• Leg cramps, tired legs or feet (aka “growing pains”)
• Corns, calluses or warts
• Flat feet
• Abnormal shoe wear
• Ingrown toenails

If you answered YES to any of the above, please book an appointment to have your child assessed by our expert Chiropodists.


You worry about your children’s teeth, eyes, and other parts of the body. You teach brushing and grooming, but what do you do about your child’s feet - those still developing feet which have to carry the entire weight of the body throughout a lifetime? Having strong, healthy feet allows your child to walk, run, and play in comfort and correct posture. If your child's feet form correctly, certain types of back and leg pain can be avoided later in life.

Many adult foot problems have their origin in childhood. An examination of the lower extremity insures that your child is growing correctly. Our Chiropodists can also make sure that your child's gait (walking pattern) is correct. This helps prevent some future foot problems, and if a problem does arise, it can be handled early, when it is easier to treat.

Neglecting foot health invites problems in other parts of the body, such as the knees, hips, legs and back. There can also be undesirable personality effects. The youngster with troublesome feet walks awkwardly and usually has poor general posture. As a result, the growing child may become shy, introverted and avoid athletics and social functions.

Children rarely complain of pain in their feet or legs. When they do, most people believe them to be “growing pains”. However, the achiness or tiredness may be the result of severe tendonitis due to joints being out of position or misaligned.

Kids with flat feet tend to become sedentary and cannot walk or play sports for long periods of time due to over working muscles and excessive pressure on hips, knees, ankles and foot joints.
Kids with high arches tend to experience more ankle, knee, hip and lower back pain because they cannot tolerate the shock which occurs when they walk or run. Proper evaluation of a child by our expert Chiropodists can prevent future disabilities in life.

To book an appointment with our expert chiropodists, please call Northumberland Physiotherapy and Foot Health Centre in Cobourg, at 905-373-7045. For more information, visit our website at