Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Severe Foot Odor Remedy

We-Fix-U Physiotherapy and Foot Health Centres now offers FOOT FRESH, an ALL NATURAL herbal remedy for people with sweaty and stinky feet!

Is foot odor affecting your personal and business relationships? Is the embarrassment of foot odor affecting your confidence to relate to others and to do your job? Are you putting your shoes outside the door because of foot odor? Are you purchasing cheap shoes because foot odor is destroying your shoes? Are you tired of daily application products that do not work? Discover the ALL NATURAL herbal cream FOOT FRESH deodorant for severe foot odor and sweatiness, the best foot deodorant product on the market today. WEEKLY APPLICATION!!! Be absolutely confident that you or your family will never experience foot odor when used as little as once a week evern after showering, bathing or any strenuous activity. The patented formula contain NO aluminum or alchohol. Scientifically tested and the manufacturer offer a money-back gaurantee!

This is a MUST HAVE product for people suffering with a toenail fungus, athlete's foot or plantar warts.

The patented formula works by killing the fungus and bacteria on the skin that causes foot odor. A three and one half year Scientific Study has proven ant-bacterial, anti-fungal FOOT FRESH deodorant to be 99% effective for up to seven days . It takes up to two weeks for the bacteria and fungus to come back or regenerate. So, this is the product you need to apply only once a week! This long lasting herbal cream deodorant does not need to be applied daily. This foot care product has not been tested on animals.



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