Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I Hurt My Shoulder a Month Ago, Why Hasn't My Pain Gone Away?




Great question!  Unfortunately, Physiotherapists rarely get to treat pain soon after an injury has occurred – most people seek the help after waiting to “see if it will go away on its own”.  Most often however, pain and loss of function take much longer to go away, even after resting for a week (or ten!).  The reason for this is that the wear and tear you place on your body occurs over months or even years, and this wearing will not resolve unless you discover the cause of the pain, and correct it.   Rest may provide you with short-term relief but once you return to your normal routine the pain almost always comes back. 

Experiencing pain is your brain’s way of telling you that you are doing too much!  It is telling you that enough is enough – STOP!- do something to fix this problem!

 Your best course of action is to see a Physiotherapist right away so we can help your body recover from the damage you have created. A Physiotherapist will be able to determine the root of your problem and help you fix the reason for your pain.   One more thing you need to know is the longer you are in pain, the more your body will compensate to avoid this pain.  This throws other areas out of alignment, causing multiple areas of pain.  Decrease your pain by getting the help your body needs!

1 comment:

  1. Prorehab clinic provides opportunity of full medication using physical therapy, so if you are interested in getting quick recovery from pain make an appointment from Physiotherapy clinic Crawley.
