Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ice Therapy???


Ice, Compression and elevation are basic principals that all Physiotherapists and Chiropodists are aware of, however the "type" of ice used and the method of application is always debatable. 
The evidence from this research paper* suggests that melting ice applied through a wet towel for repeated periods of 10 minutes is most effective at reducing deep tissue temperature.
Applying the ice repeatedly versus continuously (i.e. 20 minutes) helps reduce deep muscle/tissue temperature with less risk of damaging the superficial skin. 
*Reference:  Mac Auley D. 2001 Ice therapy: how good is the evidence?  International Journal of Sports Medicine 22(5):379-384
Source:  www.aptei.com

Posted via email from Northumberland Physiotherapy and Foot Care Centre's posterous

1 comment:

  1. Ice therapy has many benefits for person's health. Even though it is something new, today more and more people use is a way to relax and recover their strenght from different injuries.
