Monday, May 30, 2011

Mosquitoes Bite Because of Your Smelly Feet!



 If being embarrassed by your stinky feet, or having your spouse complain about them, isn't enough of a reason to do something about it, here is one more reason:  Your smelly feet attract mosquitoes!

Yep, according to recent research, mosquitoes may be attracted to the bacteria in sweaty, moist, sinky feet.  So, it may mean that if you can get rid of that nasty odour, you will be able to lower their nuisance level!

Here are the specs:

Remco Suer worked with the African mosquito Anopheles gambiae, one of the primary vectors for the spread malaria in sub-Saharan Africa, and tested them against the smells in his lab:

Suer tested their sense of smell in the labratory by pumping additional Carbon Dioxide into a container to simulate human breath, then added a high concentration of five different foot odors and found that the mosquitoes were unable to react to the carbon dioxide for several seconds. The sole-ful odors actually stopped mosquitoes from sensing carbon dioxide from breathing — which could be a reason why malarial mosquitoes divert when honing in on a person and move instead to the feet at close ranges.

That's pretty cool news. Keep in mind, though, that A. gambiae is only one variety of mosquito that is reacting to a specific cocktail of smells. How mosquitoes like Aedes aegypti that spread West Nile might respond in different ways. Still, there's at least promise in knowing what the effects of bad breath and a set of funky feet can do for your summertime health. [PhyOrg, Photo via Shutterstock]

This study is supported by results from a study performed by Entomologist Daniel L. Kline whose research determined that mosquitoes love smelly feet.  He experimented with using dirty socks as a mosquito lure, and found his 3-day-old socks were irresistible to them. Specifically, it's the bacteria that grow on human feet that seems to draw a crowd.

Want to know other sure-fire ways to get a mosquitoe bite?

1.  Keep breathing.  Mosquitoes detect carbon dioxide in the air, so the more you breathe, the more likely you are to become a blood meal.

2. Skip the shower.  Bring on the B.O.!  The more you stink, the easier it is for blood-thirsty mosquitoes to find you.

3. Run around. First, mosquitoes find you by using their sight, so if you're moving, they'll find you! If you run around, it's like you're telling the mosquitoes "Pick me, Pick me!"

4. Sweat a lot. Perspiration is the perfect combination of mosquito attractants – moisture and odors. Head outdoors on a hot, sticky summer evening, and work up a sweat. The mosquitoes will thank you.

6. Dress in dark colors.  We all know this, right?Research shows that mosquitoes respond best to dark colors, especially blue (I was always taught it is black!).

 7. Wear perfume or cologne.   Especially floral scents, which are especially attractive to mosquitoes.

8. Use alpha hydroxy products on your skin.Lactic acid, which our bodies produce naturally, is a big draw for mosquitoes. It just so happens that many skin care products contain lactic acid, too, and so might help boost your chemistry with these blood-seeking bugs.

10. Drink beer and eat limburger cheese.
Studies show people who've had a few beers score the most mosquito bites at the barbecue. Snack on some limburger cheese while enjoying a beer, and you will open yourself up to an all out assault. Limburger cheese is made with the same bacteria that makes your feet stink.

Argh, I am suddenly feeling very itchy, just writing this.  I'm on my way to buy a bug zapper!  Do this things really work???

Posted via email from Northumberland Physiotherapy and Foot Care Centre's posterous

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